Unpacking Emotional Weight – Read this First

feeling like a burden

Unpacking Emotional Weight

In the vast tapestry of human existence, emotions play a profound role. They color our experiences, shape our perceptions, and define the very essence of our being. Emotions can be light and fleeting, like the delicate flutter of a butterfly’s wings, or they can be heavy burdens that weigh us down, affecting our thoughts, actions, and overall well-being. In this article, we embark on a journey to unpack the emotional weight that we carry, exploring the significance of this burden and how we can navigate its depths.

Emotional weight, often referred to as emotional baggage, encompasses the accumulation of past experiences, traumas, and unresolved feelings that we carry with us throughout our lives. These emotional imprints can stem from a variety of sources, such as childhood experiences, broken relationships, loss, or even societal pressures. While some emotions naturally ebb and flow, others can persist and become intertwined with our identity, casting a shadow over our present and future. So sometimes you might ask yourself why do I feel like a burden.

Recognizing and acknowledging the emotional weight we carry is the crucial first step toward reclaiming our emotional well-being. It requires courage to confront the often uncomfortable and complex emotions that lie dormant within us. However, by shining a light on these feelings, we begin to unravel the layers of our emotional baggage and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Each person’s emotional weight is unique, shaped by their individual journey through life. What may seem insignificant to one person can be a profound source of pain for another. It is essential to approach this process with self-compassion, understanding that healing takes time and patience. Just as a wound needs care to mend, emotional wounds require gentle attention and self-care to begin the process of healing.

A Transformative Journey

Unpacking emotional weight involves introspection, self-reflection, and, in some cases, seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals. Through therapy, counseling, or support groups, we can create a safe space to explore our emotions openly and honestly. Sharing our burdens with others who can provide empathy, guidance, and validation can be immensely therapeutic, enabling us to gradually release the weight that we carry.

Furthermore, practicing mindfulness and self-awareness can help us navigate the intricate labyrinth of our emotions. By observing our thoughts and feelings without judgment, we develop the capacity to understand their origins and underlying patterns. This awareness empowers us to make conscious choices about how we respond to our emotions, rather than allowing them to dictate our lives.

It is important to note that unpacking emotional weight does not mean erasing or negating past experiences. Instead, it involves finding a healthy and balanced way to carry these experiences without being consumed by them. It requires forgiveness, both for ourselves and others, and a willingness to let go of what no longer serves us.

As we gradually release the emotional weight we carry, we create space for personal growth, resilience, and joy. We can cultivate healthier relationships, make better decisions, and embrace life with newfound vigor. The process of unpacking emotional weight is a lifelong journey, as we continue to evolve and encounter new challenges. However, by embarking on this path, we gain the tools and understanding to navigate the depths of our emotions with grace and compassion.

In conclusion, the weight of our emotions can either hinder or propel us forward in life. By consciously unpacking and addressing our emotional baggage, we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing. Let us embrace the courage to delve into the depths of our emotions, for it is through this exploration that we unlock the true essence of our humanity and find the freedom to live authentically.

Journeying Through the Complexity

As we continue our exploration of unpacking emotional weight, we come to realize that this process is not linear. It is not a straightforward path from burden to liberation. It is a complex, ever-evolving journey that requires patience, resilience, and self-compassion.

Along the way, we may encounter unexpected twists and turns. We may stumble upon emotions we thought were long buried or face new challenges that test our emotional resilience. It is during these moments that we must remember to be gentle with ourselves, embracing the process as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

One important aspect of unpacking emotional weight is learning to differentiate between what is ours to carry and what belongs to others. Often, we internalize the emotions and expectations of those around us, inadvertently adding to the weight we bear. By setting healthy boundaries and honoring our own emotional needs, we can begin to release the weight that is not truly ours, freeing ourselves to focus on our own healing and well-being.

Nurturing Self-Compassion

Another crucial element in this journey is cultivating self-compassion. We must learn to extend the same understanding, kindness, and forgiveness to ourselves that we would readily offer to a dear friend. Recognizing that we are human beings with flaws, vulnerabilities, and a capacity for growth allows us to approach our emotional weight with empathy and patience.

As we delve deeper into the layers of our emotional baggage, we may unearth profound insights and realizations. We may come face-to-face with wounds that require deeper healing or confront patterns that have perpetuated our emotional struggles. This self-discovery can be both liberating and challenging, as it demands honesty, vulnerability, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. Yet, it is in these moments of raw authenticity that true transformation can occur.

Throughout this process, it is essential to remember that we are not alone. Sharing our journey with trusted individuals who can offer support, guidance, and encouragement can make a world of difference. Whether it is a close friend, a therapist, or a support group, surrounding ourselves with a community of understanding individuals can provide the strength and perspective needed to navigate the depths of our emotions.

Discovering Healing Modalities

As we continue to unpack our emotional weight, we may find that certain practices or activities support our healing and growth. For some, it may be engaging in creative outlets such as writing, painting, or music. Others may find solace in physical activities like yoga, meditation, or exercise. Exploring different modalities can help us connect with our emotions in new and transformative ways, opening doors to healing that we may not have previously considered.

Ultimately, the process of unpacking emotional weight is a deeply personal one. It requires introspection, self-compassion, and a willingness to embark on a journey of self-discovery. It is an ongoing process that requires our commitment and dedication, but the rewards are immeasurable.

feeling like a burdenBy courageously exploring the depths of our emotions, we can liberate ourselves from the weight that holds us back. We can create a foundation of emotional well-being that allows us to live more authentically, form healthier relationships, and cultivate a deeper sense of fulfillment.

The Ongoing Process of Healing

So, let us embark on this transformative journey of unpacking emotional weight, and embracing the challenges and opportunities for growth that lie ahead. As we release the burdens we no longer need to carry, we make space for a lighter, more joyful existence—a life infused with authenticity, resilience, and profound emotional freedom.

In the continued pursuit of unpacking emotional weight, we encounter a powerful realization: healing is not a destination but an ongoing process. It is a lifelong commitment to nurturing our emotional well-being and tending to the wounds that may resurface from time to time.

As we traverse the terrain of our emotions, we may find that forgiveness becomes a vital component of our healing journey. Forgiveness is not about condoning or forgetting past hurts; rather, it is a conscious choice to release the grip that resentment and anger have on our hearts. By forgiving ourselves and others, we can unburden ourselves from the weight of grudges and create space for healing and growth.

Moreover, the act of self-forgiveness is an integral part of the healing process. We often carry guilt and shame for past actions or perceived shortcomings, allowing these emotions to weigh us down. But self-forgiveness allows us to embrace our imperfections and acknowledge that growth is a natural part of being human. It is through self-forgiveness that we can move forward with compassion and a renewed sense of self-worth.

feeling like a burdenAs we continue to navigate the depths of our emotions, it is crucial to develop a support system that fosters our healing journey. Surrounding ourselves with individuals who uplift and encourage us can provide the strength and validation needed during challenging times. These trusted companions can serve as sounding boards, offering perspectives and insights that help us gain clarity and understanding.

However, it is equally important to remember that the responsibility for our emotional well-being ultimately lies within ourselves. We are the authors of our own healing narrative. Taking ownership of our emotions and actively participating in our healing journey empowers us to make choices that align with our true selves, rather than perpetuating patterns that hinder our growth.

Self-Care and Gratitude

In our quest to unpack emotional weight, self-care emerges as a fundamental practice. Self-care encompasses activities and habits that nurture our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engaging in activities that bring us joy, practicing mindfulness, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing rest and rejuvenation are all acts of self-care that replenish our energy and support our emotional equilibrium.

Additionally, developing a practice of gratitude can profoundly impact our emotional landscape. Gratitude shifts our focus from what is lacking to what is abundant in our lives. It allows us to appreciate the present moment, cultivating a sense of contentment and diminishing the weight of negative emotions. By acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the blessings, big and small, we invite positivity and emotional lightness into our lives.

Ultimately, the journey of unpacking emotional weight is a deeply personal and transformative one. It requires self-reflection, vulnerability, and a commitment to ongoing growth. As we navigate the intricate landscape of our emotions, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, forge a stronger connection with others, and cultivate a profound sense of inner peace.

So, let us embark on this transformative journey with courage and resilience. Let us face our emotions head-on, embracing the challenges and opportunities they present. By unpacking our emotional weight, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of the past, allowing our authentic selves to shine brightly in the present moment. It is through this courageous exploration that we find the freedom to live a life filled with emotional authenticity, compassion, and profound joy.

Mindful Meditation for Neck Tension Relief – Ultimate Guide


Alleviating Neck Tension

In our fast-paced world filled with constant demands and distractions, it’s no wonder that many people suffer from neck tension and discomfort. The daily stress we experience can take a toll on our bodies, and our necks are particularly vulnerable to the strain. Fortunately, mindful meditation is a simple and effective way to alleviate neck tension and promote overall well-being.

Mindful meditation has been practiced for centuries and is known for its numerous physical and mental health benefits. By incorporating mindful meditation into your daily routine, you can bring a sense of calm and relaxation to your body, mind, and specifically, your neck. To begin your mindful meditation practice for neck tension relief, find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and release any tension you may be holding. Now, focus your attention on your neck. Notice any areas of tightness, discomfort, or pain. Acknowledge these sensations without judgment, simply observing them with curiosity and compassion.

Next, bring your awareness to your breath. Pay attention to the sensation of each inhale and exhale. Imagine that with each breath, you are gently and lovingly sending relaxation and healing energy to your neck. Visualize the tension melting away, replaced by a soothing warmth and freedom of movement. As you continue to breathe, expand your awareness to the rest of your body. Notice any sensations or thoughts that arise, but gently bring your attention back to your breath and your neck. Remember, the purpose of this practice is to cultivate a sense of presence and relaxation.

You may choose to incorporate gentle neck movements into your meditation practice. Slowly and mindfully, rotate your head from side to side, allowing the muscles in your neck to stretch and release. Be gentle and listen to your body, moving within a comfortable range of motion.

Enhancing Mindful Meditation

If your mind starts to wander or you become distracted, don’t worry. It’s natural for thoughts to arise during meditation. Simply acknowledge the distraction and gently guide your attention back to your breath and your neck. Practice this mindful meditation for neck tension relief for as long as feels comfortable for you. It can be as short as a few minutes or as long as you desire. Consistency is key, so try to make it a regular part of your routine.

Over time, you may notice a decrease in neck tension, improved posture, and an overall sense of well-being. Mindful meditation not only helps to relieve physical discomfort but also cultivates a deeper connection between your mind and body, promoting holistic health and harmony.

As you continue your mindful meditation practice for neck tension relief, you may find it helpful to incorporate additional techniques to enhance the experience. Here are a few suggestions to further deepen your relaxation and promote healing in your neck:

After bringing your attention to your neck, gradually expand your awareness to the rest of your body. Take a moment to scan your entire body from head to toe, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. Send your breath and awareness to those areas, allowing them to soften and release. As you breathe deeply, visualize a gentle stream of warm, golden light flowing into your neck. Imagine this light melting away any tightness or knots, gradually easing the tension.

Empowering Affirmations and Gentle Movements

Picture your neck becoming supple, relaxed, and free of any discomfort. Incorporate positive affirmations into your meditation practice. Silently or aloud, repeat affirmations such as “My neck is relaxed and pain-free,” or “I release tension and embrace comfort in my neck.” Repeat these statements with conviction and belief, allowing their empowering energy to permeate your mind and body. Please take a moment to express gratitude for your neck and its incredible ability to support your head and facilitate movement. Cultivating gratitude can shift your focus from discomfort to appreciation, promoting a positive mindset and overall well-being. Consider incorporating gentle neck stretches or yoga poses into your meditation practice. Move mindfully and with awareness, allowing your body to guide you in finding comfortable and relieving positions. Pay attention to any sensations that arise, adjusting or modifying the movements as needed.


neck tension anxiety


Be mindful of your posture throughout the day, as poor posture often contributes to neck tension. During your meditation practice, bring your awareness to your sitting or lying posture, ensuring that your spine is aligned and your neck is in a neutral position. This awareness can extend into your daily activities, helping you maintain better posture and prevent future tension. In addition to your mindful meditation practice, there are other lifestyle adjustments you can make to further support neck tension relief and overall well-being. Consider incorporating the following habits into your daily routine:

If you spend long hours sitting at a desk or using a computer, ensure that your workstation is ergonomically set up. Use a chair with proper lumbar support, adjust your monitor to eye level, and position your keyboard and mouse at a comfortable height. This will help maintain good posture and reduce strain on your neck and shoulders. Take regular breaks throughout the day to stretch and move your body. Engage in gentle neck stretches, shoulder rolls, and upper body exercises to release tension and improve circulation. Set a reminder to stand up, walk around, and change your body position to prevent stiffness and promote overall well-being.

Holistic Approach to Neck Tension

Cultivate awareness of your body and its signals throughout the day. Notice any tension or discomfort in your neck and consciously release it. Practice proper body mechanics during activities such as lifting heavy objects or performing repetitive tasks, avoiding unnecessary strain on your neck muscles. Chronic stress can contribute to neck tension. Explore various stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or engaging in hobbies that promote relaxation. Find healthy outlets to cope with stress, such as journaling, spending time in nature, or engaging in activities that bring joy and peace.

Engage in regular physical activity to strengthen your body and promote overall flexibility. Incorporate exercises that specifically target the neck and shoulder area, such as gentle neck stretches, yoga, or Pilates. Regular exercise helps improve blood flow, release tension, and enhance overall well-being. Quality sleep is crucial for the body’s natural healing and restoration processes. Ensure you have a comfortable sleeping environment, with a supportive pillow and mattress. Practice good sleep hygiene by establishing a consistent sleep routine and creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere before bedtime.

As you continue on your path toward neck tension relief through mindful meditation and lifestyle adjustments, it’s important to remember that self-care extends beyond the physical realm. Nurturing your mental and emotional well-being can have a profound impact on your overall health and the state of your neck muscles. Here are some additional practices to consider:

neck tension anxiety

Integrating Mindfulness

Extend the principles of mindfulness beyond your meditation sessions. Practice being fully present and engaged in your daily activities, whether it’s eating, walking, or engaging in conversations. Pay attention to your body posture and how you hold your neck during these activities. Make a conscious effort to relax and release tension as you move through your day. Incorporate stress reduction techniques into your routine to support your neck health. These may include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, or engaging in activities that bring you joy and help you unwind. Find what works best for you and make it a regular part of your self-care routine.

Be kind and compassionate towards yourself as you navigate the process of healing and managing neck tension. Acceptance of your current state without judgment or self-criticism is essential. Treat yourself with loving kindness, acknowledging that you are taking proactive steps towards improving your well-being. Take a few moments each day to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Consider keeping a journal to express your feelings, fears, and hopes. This practice can help you gain insight into any underlying emotional factors that may contribute to neck tension. Explore techniques such as gratitude journaling or writing affirmations to cultivate a positive mindset.

If your neck tension persists or worsens despite your efforts, consider seeking professional help. Consult a healthcare provider, such as a physical therapist or chiropractor specializing in neck health. They can provide personalized guidance and treatments to address your specific needs. By integrating these habits into your lifestyle, you can enhance the benefits of mindful meditation and promote long-term neck tension relief. Remember, each person’s journey is unique, and it may take time to find the combination of practices that work best for you. Be gentle with yourself, listen to your body’s needs, and adjust your self-care routine accordingly.

Remember, healing is a journey, and it’s essential to approach it holistically. By nurturing your mind, body, and emotions, you can create a harmonious environment for overall well-being. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the progress you make along the way. With mindful meditation and a comprehensive self-care approach, you can find relief from neck tension and cultivate a life of balance, peace, and vitality.


Uncover the Benefits of Senior Assisted Living for Your Loved Ones – Read this First

Senior Assisted Living

As our loved ones age, their needs and requirements evolve, often necessitating a shift in their living arrangements. While some seniors may choose to live independently for as long as possible, others may find that senior assisted living offers a myriad of benefits and enhanced quality of life. In this article, we will delve into the advantages of senior assisted living, providing insights into why it can be a valuable option for your loved ones.

Enhanced Safety and Security:

One of the primary concerns when it comes to aging loved ones is their safety and security. Senior assisted living facilities are designed to provide a safe and secure environment for residents. These communities are equipped with safety features such as handrails, emergency call systems, and 24-hour staff availability to ensure the well-being of residents. This peace of mind allows families to rest assured that their loved ones are in a secure environment.

Social Engagement and Companionship:

Isolation and loneliness can have a significant impact on the mental and emotional well-being of seniors. Senior assisted living communities foster social interaction and companionship through various activities and shared spaces. Residents have the opportunity to connect with peers, participate in group outings and events, and build lasting friendships. The sense of community and belonging that emerges from these interactions can greatly enhance the overall quality of life for seniors.

Personalized Care and Support:

Senior assisted living communities offer personalized care and support tailored to the specific needs of each resident. Trained staff members are available round the clock to assist with activities of daily living, medication management, and other healthcare needs. This level of personalized care ensures that seniors receive the attention and assistance they require while maintaining their independence and dignity.

Maintenance-Free Living:

Another advantage of senior assisted living is the relief from the burdens of homeownership and maintenance. Seniors no longer have to worry about household chores, yard work, or home repairs. This allows them to focus on enjoying their time and pursuing activities they are passionate about, without the stress and physical demands of maintaining a home.

Nutritious Meals and Dining Options:

Proper nutrition is crucial for seniors to maintain their health and well-being. Assisted living communities typically offer well-balanced, chef-prepared meals tailored to meet the dietary needs and preferences of residents. With a variety of dining options available, seniors can enjoy delicious and nutritious meals without the hassle of meal planning and preparation.

Transportation Services:

Getting around can become more challenging for seniors as they age. Senior assisted living communities often provide transportation services, ensuring that residents can attend medical appointments, run errands, and participate in social activities outside the facility. This accessibility promotes independence and enables seniors to remain engaged with the broader community.

Enriching Activities and Amenities:

Senior assisted living communities offer a wide range of activities and amenities designed to enrich the lives of residents. From fitness classes and wellness programs to arts and crafts, educational workshops, and cultural outings, there is something for everyone. These opportunities for engagement and personal growth can help seniors maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Respite for Family Caregivers:

Caring for an aging loved one can be physically and emotionally demanding for family caregivers. Opting for senior assisted living can provide much-needed respite, allowing caregivers to recharge and take care of their own well-being. Knowing that their loved one is well-cared for and enjoying a vibrant community can alleviate stress and guilt for family members.

Seamless Transitions in Levels of Care:

Many senior assisted living communities offer a continuum of care, including independent living, assisted living, and memory care. This means that as a loved one’s needs change over time, they can seamlessly transition to a higher level of care within the same community. This eliminates the need for a disruptive move or relocation, providing stability and familiarity for the senior.

Access to Healthcare Services:

Senior assisted living communities often have partnerships or arrangements with healthcare providers, making it easier for residents to access medical services. Regular check-ups, medication management, and assistance with healthcare appointments are readily available within the community. This integrated approach to healthcare ensures that seniors receive the necessary support to maintain their well-being.

Peace of Mind for Families:

Choosing senior assisted living for a loved one can bring peace of mind to family members. Knowing that their loved one is in a safe, supportive environment where their needs are met allows families to focus on cherishing their relationship and enjoying quality time together. Regular communication and updates from the staff help families stay connected and involved in their loved one’s life.

Cognitive Stimulation and Memory Care:

For seniors dealing with memory loss or cognitive decline, many assisted living communities offer specialized memory care programs. These programs are designed to provide cognitive stimulation, memory-enhancing activities, and a secure environment tailored to the unique needs of individuals with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Memory care services can significantly improve the quality of life for seniors and provide them with the specialized care they require.

Senior Assisted Living

Freedom to Pursue Hobbies and Interests:

Senior assisted living communities recognize the importance of individuality and personal interests. They offer a range of recreational activities and amenities that allow residents to pursue their hobbies and passions. Whether it’s gardening, arts and crafts, music, or group outings, seniors have the freedom to engage in activities they enjoy, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

24/7 Assistance in Case of Emergencies:

Emergencies can happen at any time, and senior assisted living communities are equipped to handle them promptly. With staff available 24/7, residents can receive immediate assistance in case of emergencies, ensuring their safety and well-being. This quick response time can make a significant difference in critical situations and provide reassurance to both residents and their families.

A Welcoming and Supportive Environment:

Senior assisted living communities strive to create a warm and inclusive environment that feels like home. The friendly and caring staff, along with the camaraderie among residents, contribute to a sense of belonging and support. Seniors can enjoy the company of like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships, leading to a higher quality of life and emotional well-being.

Customized Care Plans:

Senior assisted living communities understand that each resident has unique needs and preferences. They work closely with residents and their families to develop customized care plans that address specific requirements. Whether it’s assistance with daily tasks, specialized healthcare needs, or individualized therapies, the care plans are designed to promote the overall well-being and independence of each resident.

Professional Staff and Expertise:

Senior assisted living communities employ trained and compassionate staff members who specialize in senior care. These professionals have the knowledge and experience to provide the necessary support and assistance to residents. From registered nurses and caregivers to activity coordinators and therapists, the expertise of the staff ensures that seniors receive top-quality care in a compassionate manner.

Peaceful and Maintenance-Free Environment:

Senior assisted living communities are often situated in serene and well-maintained locations, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. These peaceful environments offer a tranquil setting for seniors to relax and enjoy their surroundings. With maintenance-free living, residents can appreciate the beauty of landscaped gardens, common areas, and comfortable living spaces without the worry of upkeep.

Opportunities for Lifelong Learning:

It’s never too late to learn and explore new interests. Many senior assisted living communities provide opportunities for lifelong learning through educational programs and classes. Whether it’s attending lectures, participating in book clubs, or engaging in creative workshops, seniors can continue to expand their knowledge and discover new passions, leading to personal growth and a sense of fulfillment.

Senior Assisted Living

Supportive Wellness Programs:

Senior assisted living communities prioritize the holistic well-being of residents. They offer a range of wellness programs that focus on physical fitness, mental stimulation, and emotional health. From exercise classes and walking groups to cognitive exercises and mindfulness sessions, these programs promote a healthy lifestyle and overall well-being for seniors.

Easy Transition and Adaptation:

Moving to a new living arrangement can be challenging for seniors. However, senior assisted living communities are designed to ease the transition and support residents in adapting to their new surroundings. The staff is there to provide guidance, support, and assistance throughout the adjustment period, ensuring that seniors feel comfortable and welcome in their new home.

Access to Recreational and Cultural Opportunities:

Senior assisted living communities often organize a variety of recreational and cultural activities to cater to the diverse interests of residents. This includes outings to museums, theaters, concerts, and local attractions. These opportunities allow seniors to remain connected to their community, explore new experiences, and maintain a vibrant and active lifestyle.

Increased Independence and Autonomy:

Contrary to common misconceptions, senior assisted living communities prioritize independence and autonomy for their residents. While there is assistance and support available when needed, seniors are encouraged to maintain their independence and make choices that align with their preferences. This balance of support and independence empowers seniors to live life on their terms.

Family Involvement and Visitation:

Senior assisted living communities recognize the importance of family connections and encourage regular visitation. They provide comfortable and welcoming spaces where families can spend quality time with their loved ones. Whether it’s sharing meals together, participating in activities, or simply enjoying conversation, these moments of togetherness contribute to the overall happiness and well-being of seniors.

Continuity of Care:

If a resident’s health needs change or require a higher level of care, senior assisted living communities often have options for seamless transitions within their continuum of care. This ensures that residents can receive the appropriate level of support and healthcare services without the need for disruptive moves or transitions to unfamiliar environments. This continuity of care promotes stability and peace of mind for both residents and their families.

In conclusion, senior assisted living offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly enhance the quality of life for aging loved ones. From personalized care and a supportive environment to access to healthcare services


Is Your Elder Getting Good Care in that Nursing Home – ( Read this First )

When a parent needs nursing home care, overseeing that care usually falls on whichever child happens to live in the same area. This article is for that “responsible” child who just happens to live here.

The first question one must ask is whether any patient can receive quality care in a nursing home. We’ve all heard the horror stories about the warehousing of nursing home patients, who are just waiting to die.

Although nursing home care is often less than adequate, It is possible for nursing home patients to receive quality care. However, in order to receive that level of care, patients must have a knowledgeable advocate.

Nursing Home Advocacy 101

Nursing home advocacy doesn’t require a degree in nursing or medicine, just time, tenacity, and a little information.

Communication is the First Lesson

One of the major problems in the nursing home is lack of communication between and among families, nursing staff, and physicians.
So how do you, as the patient’s advocate open channels of communication?

Become Aware of the Patient’s Needs

Become aware of your loved one’s needs. Are they bed bound? Can they feed themselves? Are they taking a new medication?

Communication Just Doesn’t Happen by Itself

Nursing Home CareVery few families understand that they have to become involved in facilitating communication within the nursing home.

Families are led to believe that the nursing staff will provide the physician with all the information about the patients. Families are also led to believe that the nursing staff will provide all the nursing care the patient requires. Unfortunately, both of these assumptions are not correct.

Nurses and nurses’ aides are short staffed in nursing homes and are unable to provide all the necessary care the patients require. Physicians, who are responsible for the care of patients at nursing homes, rely too heavily on the nursing staff to follow physician orders or to perform adequate nursing care.

Meet with the Patient’s Nursing Home Physician

Discuss your loved one’s needs, in person, with the nursing home’s primary care physician. Find out when the physician plans to be at the facility for his regular visits with the patients, and meet him there.

Patient advocates must take steps to encourage physicians to personally take a close look at their loved one’s condition and ensure that the nursing staff is functioning as intended.

So, when meeting with physicians at the nursing home, ask them to check the condition of the patient. For example, if the patient appears to be losing weight, ask the physician to weigh the patient. If the patient has in fact lost weight, ask the physician to meet with you, the dietitian, and the nursing staff to discuss how to encourage weight gain.

The advocate may become a “pest”, but the physician won’t be able to say that he had no idea that his orders weren’t being followed or that he was unaware that the patient’s condition has changed.

Nursing HomeIt is the primary physician’s responsibility to know the care your loved one is receiving at the nursing home. If the patient is losing weight, the physician should determine why the patient is losing weight. The physician must ensure that his patient is eating his meals and if not, the reason why not. The physician must then take action to ensure adequate nutrition.

If the patient is bed bound, the physician needs to examine the patient’s skin in order to determine whether his patient is developing pressure ulcers (bed sores). And, if the patient has pressure ulcers, the physician must ensure that his patient is being turned and repositioned regularly and is also receiving adequate nutrition.

The advocate must be the vehicle by which the physician is encouraged to completely check the patient’s status, during each visit, and not merely rely on what he is being told or not being told by the nursing staff.

Make Regular Visits to the Nursing Home

When you visit your loved one in the nursing home, visit during the morning, lunch, and evening meals which are the busiest times of the day. This will give you the opportunity to determine whether the nursing staff is able to attend to patient needs during stressful situations.

During your visits, check the following and report any changes you observe to the nursing staff and the patient’s physician:

  1. Patient’s weight.
  2. The percentage of breakfast, lunch and dinner the patient has eaten.
  3. The patient’s skin condition (twice a week) for signs of red, blistered, or broken skin on hips, buttocks, shoulders, or any place that comes into contact with the mattress or wheel chair cushion.
  4. The patient’s medication record documenting medications that were supposed to be given.
  5. Look for any change in the patient’s condition including eating patterns, sleep patterns, falls, bowel movements, agitation, etc.

Meet the Director of Nursing

Long Term CareThe Director of Nursing (DON) is the highest level of nurse management in the nursing home. Introduce yourself to the DON and explain what you know about your loved one’s needs, likes, and dislikes. The DON is responsible for making sure there are enough nursing staff at the facility and is the “go to” person when nursing care isn’t up to par.

If, as a result of your observations, the patient is not receiving adequate care, speak with the DON and the patient’s physician.
If matters don’t improve, speak with the Administrator, who is the general manager of the nursing home.

If there still is no improvement, consider moving the resident to another facility. If matters are such that you decide to move the patient, you should inform the Department of Health Services (ADHS) which is the regulatory agency responsible for overseeing nursing homes.

The patient advocate is the additional oil that keeps the nursing home engine running well. When the oil is low and the engine spurts, the advocate is there to move things along.

It is unfortunate that nursing home patients need an outside observer and facilitator to get the care that Medicare and Long Term Care have paid for, and that patients are entitled to receive.


California CNA Jobs: Facts and Details

With the increasing number of the elderly population and the increasing demand of health care facilities, the medical field is an ever-promising field. Even during recession, the health field doesn’t go through much damage. In this context, CNA is surely one of the most talked- about professions today. Because of its easy and short courses, CNA has taken quite a huge area of the career scope. A CNA is an assistant to the nurses who provides medical as well as personal care to patients. They have to be with patients all the time so that they can report any development in them. Especially in the US, scarcity of nurses is often reported. So, the job availability of a CNA is extremely high in every state including California. CNA jobs San Diego has a better scope as it is one of the biggest cities in California as well as America.

How to get a CNA job?

CNA Job SearchTo get a CNA job, initially you will need a CNA degree. CNA courses are short and not too expensive, and also they are available everywhere. Regarding the duration of the course, the federal government has a criterion of 75 hours while California state government has a criterion of 150 hours. You can enroll in any of these, but make sure it is state approved. The plus point with these courses is that a majority of them are usually free, but that is only if you agree to work for them as soon as your course is completed. The course will train you with the theoretical as well as practical skills to prepare you for a CNA job. Once you complete your course, you will have to take the certification exams. Only after you pass this exam, you will able to work as a CNA. You will also have to go through a background check. Then, starts you job search.

By any ways, if you had not talked about job aspects in your college while studying the CNA course, you should now inquire if they have any vacant posts available. If not job at the same place, this inquiry may at least help you to get a list of the available jobs in San Diego. A good society circle is also very helpful. Once you decide getting into the nursing field, you ought to make connections with various nurses. This will largely help you with your job search. Nurses are informed about the vacancies, and they may refer you for those posts.

In the internet world, what better option than the internet itself! Go online and search for jobs. You will surely land up on a huge list of jobs. You can also take the help of nursing magazines. However, CNA jobs are not much advertised. Hence, it would be helpful to visit hospitals and nursing homes personally with a resume. They may have vacant positions. If not, they may at least keep you resume and inform you once there is a vacant post.

CNA jobs are available in full time as well as part time forms.

CNA Job ListingsThence, you can choose your work-time according to your comfort. The job opportunities are expected to increase about 21% by the next decade. Hence, scarcity of CNA jobs is very unlikely. In fact, every year the number of nurses are reported to be lesser than the amount needed.

The paying for a CNA is also good with about $ 20,000 to $ 35,000 a year. The salary increases with the expertise one has, and also with experience. It also depends on where one chooses to work. Private nursing homes pay more than the public ones. If you are hired as a personal nurse, you will be able to earn much more than the average. But you will not get your expected salary as soon as you pass out. Only after you gain a little experience, you will be entitled to the expected average salary. But more than money-minded, this job is rewarding for the ones that have a desire to help others. Because of this pleasure, CNAs claim that this is the best job they can ever think of. Although there are a large number of posts available, the competition is always stiff. Therefore, don’t forget to give in a little more extra effort.


What is Assisted-Living?

While assisted living centers have been available the United States for many years, the growth and availability of assisted living has had a dramatic increase since the early 1990s. Assisted living centers are a residential alternative which promote maximum independence for each resident through a combination of supportive services and assistance. The definition of assisted living from one state to another may vary and so will the cost and types of service.

Assisted living centers vary in size, style and the optional services they may offer. Small family style living or the larger complex of units can be found in the United States. Some facilities are operated by nonprofit organizations, while others are proprietary. In addition, some facilities may be co-located or affiliated with a hospital or nursing facility.

assisted living centers

An assisted living center is any institution, rest home, boarding home, place, building or agency that is maintained and operated to provide personal care and services which meet some need beyond basic provision of food, shelter and laundry in a free standing, physically separate facility which is not otherwise required to be licensed.

In general terms, an assisted living center is required to provide assistance with daily living activities, including eating, bathing, dressing and personal hygiene; three meals a day; supervision of self-administration of medications; laundry service including personal laundry; housekeeping; and 24 hour staffing.

Housing Highlights – Assisted Living

Senior Living communities are designed for individuals who cannot function in an independent living environment, but do not need nursing care on a daily basis. Assisted living communities usually offer help with bathing, dressing, meals, and housekeeping.

Assisted living residences are:

  • Housing environments which provide individualized health and personal care assistance in a home-like setting. The level of care available is between that provided in congregate housing (housing with meal service) and a skilled nursing facility. In these settings:
    – Residents are semi-independent physically or mentally, or frail persons who need frequent assistance;
    – Services offered include, personal care assistance, health care monitoring, limited health care services and/or the dispensing of medications;
    – State licensing and regulation by state social welfare agencies is required.
  • Important because they promote independence by meeting residents’ supportive needs while preventing inappropriate institutionalization.
  • Known by various other names. The most common are: personal care homes, sheltered housing, residential care, homes for adults, managed care, catered living, board and care, and domiciliary care.

senior assisted livingWho Resides In Assisted Living Residences?

Assisted living housing is often deemed necessary when you have difficulty performing daily tasks and have no one to help you. Some indicators are:

  • Needing help preparing meals, bathing, dressing, toileting, or taking medication
  • Needing assistance with housekeeping chores or laundry
  • Requiring some health care assistance or monitoring
  • Needing transportation to doctors, shopping, and personal business
  • Feeling frequently confused or experiencing memory problems

Your loved ones need time to adjust to the new places. So it is best to start the search and inquiry early and be prepared. Further more websites like care.com offer great references on senior care and senior living in your local community.

Raising awareness for Alzheimers Disease

In most parts of the world old people are excluded just because they are old. The days when old people were respected for their wisdom and experience have mostly disappeared.

Dementia, usually of the Alzheimers’ or vascular type, occurs almost entirely in older people. The great majority of people with dementia are doubly excluded both because they are old and because they have lost their memories and are regarded as useless and a nuisance. This is no way for people to end their lives. Those who care for people with dementia are also excluded from society because they do not have the time or the money to enjoy a social existence. This need not happen.

Dementia care is a global problem. 2 out of 3 people with dementia live in developing countries. There are currently 18 million people with dementia world-wide. This number will rise to 34 million in 25 years time. This is entirely due to the rapid aging of populations. Most people in this room have a close relative or family friend with dementia. Think of that person and multiply the problem by 34 million. Most carers have to cope with dementia in a relative with many fewer resources than you do.

Alzheimers DiseaseRaising awareness of the disease amongst members of the general public, professionals and policy makers is the most important priority for action throughout the world. Raising awareness is the primary objective of Alzheimer’s Disease International and all the national Alzheimer associations it supports. People need to know that loss of memory is not a normal part of old age. It is a symptom of disease.

Thinking ahead and winning the battle on dementia through memory care and family support

Improving the recognition of dementia and training in memory care are two further priorities for action. Families want to know what is wrong with their relatives when they have loss of memory. They need to know how to manage and to plan for the future. The disease is slowly progressive, can last up to 20 years, and is ultimately fatal. Primary care workers in every country need to understand the importance of making a diagnosis when a person has a memory problem. People with the disease and their families then need to be fully informed about the disease and need support and advice on a long-term basis. Support can be very effectively done by Alzheimer associations in collaboration with primary care workers. If families are well supported, the people they are caring for often become much easier to manage.

senior care livingThe challenge for policy makers is to provide cost-effective but humane resources for the care of people with dementia and their families. For this to happen every country needs to have prevalence figures for dementia. It is crucial that epidemiological research is encouraged, particularly in developing countries where awareness about dementia is only just beginning to surface. Social research on the impact of the disease on the individual and the family also needs to be carried out in every country. Ways of reducing the distress and the burden of caring will be different in different cultures. Knowing the figures and having an understanding of the caring arrangements is essential to policy makers for the planning of services.

There is as yet no cure nor any way of preventing the disease. But we already know from existing research that much can be done and the quality of life of the person with dementia and their carers can be much improved.

Memory Care and Assisted Living Services in San Diego County

St. Paul’s Villa Nestled in the heart of Bankers Hill, St. Paul’s Villa provides a home-like atmosphere through our individualized approach to care and living. With 24/7 licensed nursing staff, we provide a higher level of care than many other memory care facilities in San Diego County. In fact, it’s our professional, kind, and compassionate staffthat most sets us apart. Many staffmembers have celebrated milestones of 5, 10, 15, and even 20 years! Staffloyalty allows for consistency in care because we really get to know our residents. Our staffhandles senior living with love and it shows. Our residents enjoy living at St. Paul’s Villa because our staffis like family. They also enjoy the many social, recreational, and therapeutic activities that while fun, are designed to stimulate and improve cognition, fine motor skills, and ambulation. You’ll often see our residents in a fitness class, doing arts and crafts, or grooving along to live music.st paul senior services villa

St. Paul’s Villa San Diego offers:

  • A living room where we play games, screen movies and documentaries, do arts and crafts, and hold discussions on current events.
  • A library with a variety of reading material including large print books, daily newspapers and periodicals. We have a magnifierand provide books on tape.
  • Non-denominational, Episcopal and Catholic services in our chapel. Ohr Shalom Synagogue is located one block away and Jewish Family Services will provide transportation when requested.
  • A full-service beauty salon and barber shop that caters to both men and women so our residents can stay glamorous and well-groomed.
  • Comfortable restaurant-style dining featuring a full salad bar available at lunch and dinner. We take delight in creating menus for special occasions.
  • Scheduled transportation available for outings and shopping excursions as well as to personal appointments and errands.

Personal Care through Assisted Living Services

St. Paul’s caregivers are trained to ensure your loved one receives the very best of care, from providing delicious and nutritious meals to housekeeping, medication management, bathing, grooming, and incontinence care. Personal care services are provided based on a comprehensive assessment upon move-in to determine the appropriate level of care.

Memory Care Support

Memory problems are typically one of the first troubling signs of cognitive loss or dementia. According to the National Institute on Aging, in addition to memory problems, someone with Alzheimer’s disease may experience multiple symptoms. We are exceptionally proud of our memory care staff. We learn about your loved one’s life so we can interact in a calming and personable manner to ensure your family member feels a sense of comfort, belonging, and joy.

Our memory care residents enjoy daily nature walks, activities in our open patio area, special celebrations, and events. Families are always invited! We even oer a private dining area if you’d like to host special meals and celebrations for your loved one.

st paul memory assisted living san diego county

Can Feng Shui Help You Live Better?

Feng Shui. Is it a buzz-word, or is there something in this ancient body of knowledge that can inform and enhance modern living? A definition of feng shui is a helpful place to begin answering that question.

Feng shui originated in China, and is essentially an environmental science that is applied to create a proper flow of energy.

The philosophy and practice of feng shui is to contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities through the art of placement, for balanced energy flow. All societies possess in some form or another the knowledge that feng shui contains.

Today in the West, the practice of feng shui can advise us in creating surroundings in which we feel supported and at ease, whether at home, at work or around the community.

Many of the principles of feng shui are common sense, such as using natural lighting, fresh air ventilation, and cleanness to help both our bodies and minds remain healthy.

At the same time, feng shui contains other environmental concepts that might not seem so obvious as potentially beneficial or harmful. In fact, some harmful arrangements go unnoticed until we recognize a problem area in our life and take steps to correct the problem. Once our surrounding are properly ordered, we can connect to the energy around us that allows us to experience desired changes for the better.

Have you ever noticed that some spaces instinctively feel right?

Whether they were created by intentional design or by someone with a subconscious gift for placement and flow, there are feng shui principles at work bringing the place into harmony.

According to feng shui, two opposite forces – yin and yang – always act together to create energy.

When these positive and negative forces are balanced, we experience well-being. When one dominates, the imbalance can be harmful to well- being. While yin and yang are opposites, they are nevertheless inter-connected. Without the concept of ‘soft,’ we wouldn’t be able to truly understand ‘hard.’

More examples of yin-yang forces include still-moving, high- low, hot-cold. At extremes, the opposites change into each other: ice can cause burning, and sunstroke can cause shivering. The object in feng shui is to bring these opposites into balance.

A second principle of spaces that feel right is the idea of Chi. Chi doesn’t have a western equivalent, but loosely can be translated as the life force of animate things, the power of the sun and weather, the quality of the inanimate or of the environment. In short, the energy. When Chi is blocked in our bodies, acupuncture is used to help it flow and restore health. Where Chi is blocked in our homes or other surroundings, proper re-arrangement will get it flowing smoothly and gently once again, restoring peace and harmony for the occupants.

You could find resources online or at your local library that give very detailed and specific instructions about balancing yin and yang or enhancing the flow of Chi. But you don’t need to start with books and research in order to immediately improve your surroundings and therefore your quality of life. The most practical and beneficial place to begin applying the principles of feng shui is so simple as to be deceptive in its power~. Begin by getting rid of clutter.

Pick a place to begin that will give you momentum.

In other words, start small and complete the job. Organize a drawer, empty a closet, clear a table top. Toss or give away what you deep down know you should, and then neatly put away the rest. Now, notice how you feel around that clear and clean place. If you like the feeling, continue.

Over time, de-clutter everywhere. When that’s complete, if you like the feeling of uplift and renewal that results, you’ve reached the point when it’s time to get the resources and books. Use them to delve into the fascinating art and science of feng shui.

Why Should We Detox?

Every day we brush our teeth, take a shower, and wash our hair, but we never clean out the toxic overload inside us.

Our bodies come with a highly sophisticated waste disposal system, which normally purges toxins, metabolic waste, by-products of digestion and other debris. However, we have over-stimulated, but sedentary lifestyles and we live in a highly toxic environment. Reports suggest we are exposed to up to 300 volatile organic compounds in our homes alone. In short, our systems are overwhelmed and the body’s natural defense mechanism is beginning to malfunction and symptoms of toxic overload such as fatigue, confusion, and aggression are occurring in many of us.

Over 100 million Americans suffer from some form of the digestive disease.

In fact, more Americans are hospitalized due to diseases of the digestive tract and Colon than for any other group of disorders. It is estimated that the total cost in lost work, lost wages, and medical bills are over $50 billion per year.

So, if we are to tackle toxic burdens before they manifest themselves in illness, we will take the strain off our immune systems and feel much healthier in the process.